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Writer's pictureGreg Slingerland

Ukraine Update

Our partner, Mark Agarkov writes about what has been happening in his city of Kharkiv, in Ukraine.

Dear friends and supporters,

It is the 845th day of the war. We completed a six-week project for large families. For almost two months, we met with families with three or more children. Many of them are immigrants from the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. We gave them certificates for food, helped them with everyday issues, and established friendly relations. We are delighted that we were able to help more than 50 families. More than 200 people saw evidence of God's love through this service—many thanks to everyone who prayerfully and financially supported this project.

At the end of the project, we decided to organize a family evening. The program included a joint dinner, fellowship, children's performance, and a Gospel sermon. Many people thanked us for our concern and said that this evening brought them great joy. We see God opening their hearts to the Gospel.

Besides this joy, we have another. The city has become much safer because our partners have authorized the use of weapons for self-defense throughout Russia's territory. Kharkiv, which suffered from shelling every day for 28 months, breathed a sigh of relief. We are so grateful to God for answering our prayers. Thanks to everyone who supported us along this path. We hope that the city will be able to function normally despite its proximity to the border.

The absence of daily shelling is an excellent relief for Kharkiv residents. However, the townspeople have a lot of worries about the winter period. We are entering the 3rd military winter in the most critical condition. The energy and heating infrastructure has been destroyed. There is an electricity shortage in Ukraine; in some cities, electricity is cut off for up to 10 hours daily. This prompts us to think now about the future of people this winter. Therefore, already in the summer, we have begun preparations for our annual project, Winter Care Boxes 3.0. We will focus on charging stations and gas appliances that will make survival easier during the harsh winter frosts. I hope to bring you more details soon, but I ask for your prayers for this project.

Prayer requests:

1) Gratitude to God for a successful project for large families and for starting a small group with these families.

2) Gratitude to God for greater security in Kharkiv over the past two weeks.

3) Wisdom in preparation for the new project Winter Care Boxes 3.0

4) For the health of my wife Christina and a successful C-section operation. This Thursday, we will become parents of two wonderful boys. Please pray for Christina's speedy recovery and wisdom/strength for us as new parents.

Thank you for having us! We feel your love and prayer support, which is very important to us, especially in moments when you don't have enough strength and give up. You are a testimony of God's love to us.

In Christ's fellowship with you,


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